Material and educational curricular for Spanish sign language
See more: LESICO Conference 2017
Maria Aranzazu Diez Abella, Spain
Lesico 2017, Saturday 14th October 2017, Basel
There are numerous teaching materials for teaching oral languages as a second language, but resources for teaching and learning sign languages are scarce. In this sense, due to the publication of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR), the National Sign Language Teaching Network of the National Confederation of Deaf Persons (CNSE) is committed to the teaching update following quality and excellence guidelines. The need of having materials to teach and learn Spanish sign language following CEFR philosophy is becoming greater and greater. The goal of this paper is to explain the creation process of the curricular and educational materials in order to take a step forward to achieve the linguistic standardization of Spanish sign language. First step is designing a curricular proposal for the Spanish sign language, including CEFR references levels A and B. Its structure is similar to the structure of CEFR. This curricular proposal is the starting point for materials for teaching and learning Spanish sign language, and they adjust depending on the teaching method (on-site class and on-line class). Some characteristics of the materials are described according to the teaching method, and also steps to be taken in order to elaborate an educational material of an utterly visual language.