How to create tools for learning Polish Sign Language?
See more: LESICO Conference 2017
Damian Rzeźniczak, Marcin Łuczywek, Poland
Lesico 2017, Saturday 14 October 2017, Basel
Center is engaged in publishing activities related to Polish Sign Language. In Poland, it has long been a shortage of materials such as textbooks, exercises, materials on DVDs, both for the hearing students and deaf people who want to expand their learning of sign language. For example, students of English have enormous access to language learning in a highly varied form of books, exercises, materials on DVDs, audiobooks, Englishlanguage movies and so on. We have created a Center of Polish Sing Language to provide greater access to PJM (eng. PSL) education and fill gaps in the publishing market. So far, we have created the following materials: - a few sets of exercises from different parts of PJM grammar - a few sets of exercises to increase understanding of PJM - Materials for children who learn PJM as a second language (L2). At the conference, we want to raise the following subjects: How to choose the method and concept to create content? How is implementation - step by step? How do you draw inspiration? How find a niche? We would also like to present fragments of materials referring to the questions above. We think it is going to be an interesting topic and help others to create materials. We believe that additional materials for learning sign language in addition to their use in courses are also important because they enrich an enhance the variety of learning sign language.